About the Builders

I’m Jamie and, along with my Husband Bob, we founded Warwick Isle Group. The idea of designing something as personal as the space someone lives in and then watching it come to life has always intrigued us.

Our Principles


In a world full of disposable, we believe in QUALITY. With so many homes being built, it’s easy to get distracted by the “new factor”. But it’s important to understand what’s behind the sheetrock. Quality and craftsmanship are part of our foundation.


The value of your home should grow but your utility bill shouldn’t. Achieving an advanced level of EFFICIENCY is the jumping off point for all of the homes. Fully electrifying the houses along with employing certain Passive House principles allows us to reduce energy usage, and therefore ongoing costs and environmental impact.


At the heart of it all is strong DESIGN. From the mechanical and structural components, to always considering the aesthetic, we believe good design should be at the core of each step.

Our Story

“Why would someone want their house to look just like the neighbor’s?”

“Why aren’t more efficient systems being used to reduce long term costs?”

“Just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s quality, right?”

Driving through local developments, my Husband and I ask ourselves questions like these all the time.

We built our first house in 2008 using a local General Contractor and at the end we came to two conclusions. 1. We love the process. 2. We can do it better! After we put a few more construction projects under our belt, we decided to take on our own custom home right here in Warwick. But we wanted to push the boundaries of what we see day to day so we decided on a highly efficient passive house with the modern aesthetic we’re both drawn to. Since moving in in late 2022 we’ve heard a lot of comments about our new house, but one that comes up almost every time is “I haven’t seen anything like this around here.” So we got to thinking. Why is that?

The prospect came to invest in a beautiful piece of land with the potential for a new community. Bob and I agreed that there was an opportunity to bring a cutting edge concept to the area for people that share our perspective. There are a lot of quality builders out there but what we found is that a lot of homes look sparkly and new but actually lack the quality and efficiencies you’d expect from a new house. There’s also a lack in customization and individuality from development to development.

So the concept for Warwick Isle was born. Homes that are as efficient as they are beautiful and unique. Quality built homes that include many features other developments consider upgrades with advanced enhancement options to elevate and customize each home even further.